Individual Mobility Solutions

Instead of replacing your programming, I want your programming to make more sense for your body.

Mobility drills & flows catered to your needs.


“Find the difference that makes the difference.”

— Antony Lo


Your group fitness classes aren’t enough. Your online programming isn’t enough.


There is a certain fire in group fitness classes that is motivating & empowering, which is good! That means group fitness classes can be really great group fitness classes. But they aren’t individualized in a way that makes sense for YOUR body. Fill in the gaps with specific mobility solutions that speak to your needs.

Online programming is great! It allows you to get a workout done at home or at the gym on your time. But it doesn’t address your individual tendencies and progressions don’t always make sense for YOUR body. Fill in the gaps with specific mobility solutions that speak to your needs.


Features of the Program


Option 1: Individual Mobility Solutions

We’ll take a specific approach to an area or goal you’ve been wanting to provide some more attention. With your input, I provide drills & custom flow targeting your goals.

Option 2: Mobility Classes

More coming soon!