What You Need
To Do Now for
Postpartum Clients

Do you even know if your clients are postpartum?
You should. It matters.


Let’s get started.

I’ve made it easy to start the conversation: a complete postpartum in-take questionnaire, tech & set-up tips, and preliminary education on pelvic health & how to help these clients.

You could be their first line of defense against things like incontinence, prolapse, or pelvic and nagging hip pain.

Postpartum is forever.

Regardless of how long ago someone carried a baby, the body is anatomically forever changed; meaning, postpartum is forever.
Take this first step to be the go-to coach for postpartum clients in your space.
They deserve it.

It starts with asking the right questions.

You’ll get an easy process to coaching your postpartum clients better:
• Intake form or what to add to your process
• Complete postpartum survey questionnaire with tech & formatting suggestions
• Preliminary education on what postpartum women may experience

I get it. You took the courses and passed the tests (ACE, NASM, AFFA, ISSA - Trust me, I’ve been there). But they don’t include specifics on coaching this specific population.

Maybe you’ve had a baby yourself. But your experience, doesn’t equip you to coach the wide variety of experiences effectively without help.

That’s why I’m here.

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars, or hundreds of hours on even more continuing education, because I’ve put together everything you need to get started.

Hey! I’m Amanda - Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism Coach.
After growing & owning a successful workout business that catered specifically to pregnant & postpartum athletes, I was asked by coaches on how they could improve their own skills with this population.

You don’t have to start out with the high dollar specific certifications & specializations. You can be the go-to coach for postpartum clients in your area by implementing a few steps right now. Have questions? Hit me up here.